One of our ways to work in the project is
working together with volunteers that have the desire to do something
for amphibian conservation. In this way we receive volunteers that in different
ways they are helping us in different aspects of the project. In this case we
have Elana a volunteer that is going to expend a couple of months with us and
she is already making a difference with the work she is carrying out at the
moment. Here some text that she want to share with us:
Elana working with water quality test in the captive breeding component |
Hi my name is Elana Frank
and I am recent graduate with a bachelors degree in Biology. I came to the
Bolivian Amphibian Initiative because I wanted more experience working with
amphibians before I continue my studies in herpetology and conservation. I've only
been here for a few days but I'm already learning a lot from the impressive
captive breeding program and the great people who work there. I am planning on
spending six months with the BAI so I am currently working to come up with a
project that I can dedicate that time to (more information to come soon). I'm
really excited to be working with this team and I can't wait to see what these
next few months bring!
Elana feeding our gigant Titicaca water frogs |