martes, 29 de mayo de 2012

The first number of fieldguides of Bolivian amphibians

plate of amphibians of Guacharos, Cochabamba, Bolivia

Bolivia holds a high diversity of amphibians and almost nothing is known, several places are a gap talking about amphibian surveys or knowledge.
There is no a fieldguide or book of all Bolivian amphibians but there is a lot of interest of biologists, students, tourists and general people to learn and to see these fantastic animals.
Due to that we are working with amphibians we saw the need to share the information and the knowledge we are acquiring with our work. For this reason we are developing fieldguides of amphibians of different sites where we worked or we are working so more people can have access to this kind of material.
There is very basic but we are very interested to prepare a book of the amphibians of Bolivia and we hope to find more interested people to support this initiative.
If you are interested in the plates and want to support with future ones, do not hesitate to contact us.
To download the plates go to our website and then to fieldguides:

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